Wrapping up Grade 8 ...

2021. 6. 19. 09:22🧒Junior Life





Today (June 18th, 2021), I finished my grade 8 entire courses at North Surrey Secondary School. Grade 8 was a rough and unusual year, but it will remain an exceptional memory for me. I did my best all the time and those times developed me during grade 8. I would like to thank every teacher who encouraged me with all the supports and guidance. 

Thank You...

Mr. O'Donnell (P.E)
Mr. Wrotniak (Drama)
Mr. Landry (Humanities - main)
Mrs. Camlio, Mrs. Hui (Humanities - support)
Mr. Hainsworth (ELL)
Ms. Kozak (Math)
Mr. China (Robotics, Woodwork, Metalwork)
Ms. Lapointe (Textile)
Ms. Carabetta (Humanities - TOCs)
Mr. Halushchenko (Science), and Mrs. McLeod (my counselor)!! 


I will regroup and be prepared for my (next) grade 9 during the summer break :) 

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